Friday, January 5, 2007

What is KHET?

My older son received a gift from my parents named Khet. It came in an interesting and technologically appropriate packaging. Upon closer investigation, we discovered it was a game and better yet a LASER game. How cool is that a game that uses lasers, with no running.

I have come to call it laser chess, as it is a addictive strategy game with obelisks, pyrimids, djeds, and a pharoh. Similar to chess, the goal of the game is to capture the opponents pharoh. In truth the similarities are more in the feel of the game than the actual playing of it. The rules are much simpler, although much like chess the difficulty is in what you do with the rules.

After each move in the game, the player who moved his piece fires his laser. This is where it gets interesting. The laser bounces off of the face of the certain pieces. If at the end of its path if strikes a piece, that piece is lost. This is true regardless of who's piece is struck. If the pharoh is struck, the game is over. This means that you can kill your own piece and even lose the game on your turn. Believe me, this can and does happen!

I highly recommend this game for any family looking for a change-up from chess or checkers or as an introduction to strategy games. Kids will love the lasers and how the different pieces cause the laser to bend through the game. It is a satisfying feeling when you begin to guess correctly where the laser will go after your move, and quite funny when it takes an unexpected turn. Have fun.

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